About Sangha

Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means “spiritual community”, wherein the members engage in spiritual practices and support each other on their spiritual journeys. Members of this Sangha must be graduates of the Hidden Treasure Program The emphasis is on the spiritual dimension of our being rather than the psychological, and the teachings and discussion will focus on spirituality as it is lived in each of us. The psychological dimension of our being is part of this, but it is examined from the perspective of what the soul is trying to express or what spiritual lessons are to be learned as a result of situations occurring in one’s life.

Meeting Locations

HT Sangha gatherings take place in two locations throughout the year:

  • Light on the Hill Hillside House—291 Blake Hill Rd., Van Etten
  • First Baptist Church—driveway off Court St. just past the Presbyterian Church, Ithaca, NY

Joining the Sangha is a Commitment

HT Sangha members are expected to engage in daily meditation/prayer. Members’ daily practice, as well as attendance at retreats, will help deepen and enrich the Sangha discussions. All members of the HT Sangha are asked to commit to attend:

  • Four one-day programs (9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.) throughout the year. The one-day programs begin with a long meditation and reading, followed by discussion on the reading or members’ spiritual lives and the challenges they face. Sangha members are asked to bring their lunches and are encouraged to eat together after the morning session. Meetings take place at Light on the Hill Hillside House.
  • Ten monthly Sangha gatherings (if possible) from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Quaker Meetinghouse. Music for settling in begins at 5:15 pm. The gatherings take place on the 4th Thursday of each month. (We do not meet in November or December due to the winter holidays.) Monthly gatherings include a long meditation, reading or exercise, and discussion.
  • At least one spiritual retreat during the year (of your choosing). Members are encouraged to attend the three-day Hidden Treasure graduate retreat.

For more information and upcoming Sangha dates, Visit the website of Alice McDowell

For the latest information and meeting dates for the HT Sangha, VISIT ALICE’S WEBSITE HERE: